For you convience we have added Transparent Buttons...
the background is transparent

so they will work on any background.
Just right click over button
and save to your hard drive or floppy.

home button mail button
sign guestbook button view guestbook button
next button back button

home button mail button
sign guestbook button view guestbook button
next button back button

home button mail button
sign guestbook button view guestbook button
next button back button

home button mail button
sign guestbook button view guestbook button
next button back button

home button mail button
sign guestbook button view guestbook button
next button back button

home button mail button
sign guestbook button view guestbook button
next button back button

home button mail button
sign guestbook button view guestbook button
next button back button

home button mail button
sign guestbook button view guestbook button
next button back button

home button mail button sign guestbook button
sign guestbook button sign guestbook button view guestbook button
next button back button

home button mail button sign guestbook button
sign guestbook button sign guestbook button view guestbook button
next button back button

home button mail button sign guestbook button
sign guestbook button sign guestbook button view guestbook button
next button back button

For you convience we have added Transparent Logos...
the background is transparent
So they will work just like the buttons

sign guestbook button sign guestbook button sign guestbook button